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目    录

在全国《食品工业“十一五”发展纲要》宣传贯彻工作会议上的讲话…………潘蓓蕾  1


食品的安全性与进出口贸易…………………………………………………………史小卫  9
食品安全学科发展专题报告…………………………………………………………史贤明  14
高等学校融人食品工业科技创新过程的思考………………………………………李  琳  26
食品储运与物流学科发展专题报告…………………………………谢  晶  张  敏  王锡昌  31
2006年中国生命科学研究回顾……………………………………刘  昕  袁建平  王江海  46
我国转基因食品安全管理体系的建立与面临的挑战……………………罗云波  黄昆仑  55
中国儿童生长发育主要影响因素的变化…………………………陈春明  何  武  常素英  60
2006年中国食品消费与市场分析……………………………………………………潘迎捷  66
从居民营养调查分析未来中国食品消费趋势………………………………………杨晓光  77
以营养科学为指导开拓食品工业发展新领域………………………………………黄圣明  82
    ……………………………马冠生  崔朝辉  胡小琪  李艳平  何宇纳  翟凤英  杨晓光  91
调节血脂功能的食品添加剂和配料…………………………………………………尤  新  99


果蔬贮藏与加工学科发展专题报告………………胡小松  吴继红  廖小军  陈  芳  张  燕  111
中国乳品工业2006年现状分析及2007年展望……………………………郭本恒  何楚莹  121
裂变增容,和谐创新——对2006年中国面制品市场的思考………………………孟素荷  133
中国食醋的健康发展…………………………………………………………………卫祥云  143
2006年罐头食品行业现状和分析……………………………………………………梁仲康  148
树立科学发展观,建设创新型发酵行业……………………………………石维忱  杜  军  152
食品添加剂技术学科发展专题报告…………………………………………………孙宝国  157
加速发展中国香精香料产业…………………………………………………………王明凡  164
2006年中国水产食品加工业的发展…………………………………………………王锡昌  167
粮油贮藏与加工学科发展专题报告…………………………………………………王兴国  172
    ……………………………………………2126jnh线路测试冷冻与冷藏食品分会  183
食品装备技术学科发展专题报告…………………………………………曹小红  卢晓江  189
中国餐饮产业2006年现状分析及2007年展望………………………………………杨  柳  200


日本冷冻食品行业现状……………………………………………………………大场秀夫  207
澳门成年人的膳食营养状况分析………………尤淑瑞  官世海  翟凤英  胡以松  李志杰  210
美国全谷物食品发展,隋况和研究方向……………………………………………王  昕  227



Speech in National Propaganda and Carrying - out Work Conference of Development Program of Food Industry during the Course of the "11th Five -Year Plan"                               Pan Beilei   1

Review & Report

Food Safety and Import/Export Trade                                                              Shi Xiaowei   9
Report on Food Safety                                                                                 Shi Xianming   14
Joining Chinese Colleges and Universities to the Innovation of Science and Technology in Food Industry                     Li Lin   26
Report on Food Preservation, Transportation and Logistics          
                                                                                 Xie Jing  Zhang Min  Wang Xichang   31
Reviews of Life Science Research in China in 2006                   
                                                                              Liu Xin  Yuan Jianping  Wang Jianghai   46
Challenge of the Management System of Transgenic Food in China    
                                                                                               Luo Yunbo  Huang Kunlun   55
The Changes of the Attributable Factors of Child Growth                   
                                                                             Chen Chunming  He Wu  Chang Suying  60
Food Consumption and Market Analysis in China in 2006                                    Pan Yingjie   66
The Nutrition and Health Status of the Chinese People                                 Yang Xiaoguang   77
Developing New Fields in Food Industry on the Basis of Nutrition Science 
                                                                                                            Huang shengming   82
The Food Consumption and Eating Practice of People in China
          Ma Guansheng  Cui Zhaohui  Hu Xiaoqi  Li Yanping  He Yuna  Zhai Fengying  Yang Xiaoguang   91
Food Additives and Ingredients with the Blood Cholesterol - regulating Function      
                                                                                                                        You Xin   99

Industry Analysis

Report on the Development of Fruit and Vegetable Storage and Processing
                                          Hu Xiaosong  Wu Jihong  Liao Xiaojun  Chen Fang  Zhang Yan  111
Analysis and Expectation of Dairy Industry in China in 2006            
                                                                                               Guo Benheng  He Chuying  121
Review on the Noodles Production and Consumption in China in 2006                         
                                                                                                                    Meng Suhe  133
Development of the Vinegar Industry in China                                               Wei Xiangyun  143
Overview of Canned Food Industry in China in 2006                                 Liang Zhongkang  148
Building up Scientific Concept of Development, Constructing Innovational Ferment Industry                                                                                           Shi Weichen  Du Jun  152
The Review of Food Additives in China                                                            Sun Baoguo  157
A Strategy to Accelerate the Development of Perfume Industry in China        
                                                                                                               Wang Mingfan  164
Development of Aquatic Product Processing Industry in China in 2006                  
                                                                                                               Wang Xichang  167
Report on Grain and Oil Storage and Processing                              
                                                                                                               Wang Xingguo  172
Status of the Chilled & Frozen Food Industry in China         
                                                                 Frozen and Refrigeration Food Society, CIFST  183
Report on the Food Equipment Technology                          
                                                                                            Cao Xiaohong  Lu Xiaojiang  189
Current Situation of the Chinese Catering Industry in 2006 and Outlook of That in 2007         
                                                                                                                       Yang Liu  200


Status of the Frozen Foods Industry in Japan                                                     Hideo Oba  207
The Analysis of Dietary and Nutritional Status of Macao-s Adults
                                    IAO Sok-soi  KUN Sai-hoi  Zhai Fengying  Hu Yisong  LEI Chi - kit  210
Whole Grain Trends and Recent Research Direction in the United States                Wang Xin  227


Start at 2015-10-19 10:30 AM